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Reiki Master, master healer, Chinese Energy testing (long distance) and distance healing, energy sensitive Email me for help!


About My Services

I am often working with people off-line. Send me a message and we can talk!
I was born with the gifts that I now use to help myself and others. By the time I could speak clearly (around age two and a half) I astounded my adoptive parents. Since I was adopted, my family didn’t realize the huge amount of energy I was taking on from other people and their emotions. Over 50 years ago, much of the world was not as accepting nor enlightened about energy work as it is now.
I was brought to the information, and became familiar with a hands-on Japanese energy system, followed closely on its heels by work with Chinese energy and how to balance energy long distance, when the energy has fallen out of harmony.

I am also a Reiki Master, with a lineage of only 10 people between my attunement and Dr. Mikao Usui, the “Father of Reiki.” Reiki is such a powerful healing tool. There are some who misguidedly believe that one must ask permission before doing Reiki for another person or situation. What I have found, over and over, is that Reiki will only flow into a vessel into which it can fit, i.e., be accepted! So, if a person or situation is not open to change for the better, the Reiki will not flow into it. Sometimes a person is only open to accepting some improvements, but not others. No problem – Reiki only flows into those places where it is accepted.

If you look at those areas in life where a person will accept positive change as a downhill slope, and the areas in which the person is not open to positive change as an uphill slope, and consider Reiki like water, you can see that it will only go where the hill slopes downward. Water does not run uphill! Nor can a Reiki Master MAKE it flow uphill. That is not possible.

There are other forces which could conceivably be harnessed to, in effect, force the energy (or water in this case) to flow uphill, however those forces are never in alignment, and I do not work with them.

I will use whatever tools, or combination of tools work best in your particular situation. I am merely a channel through which all that is good, balancing and positive energy can flow.

I will be working on you while we speak, however specific imbalances might surface which need intensive corrective work. If you have issues which would benefit from more intensely directed work, I can talk with you about those areas. If you desire, I can work on those things in a special session, making what needs to be done the entire focus, rather than splitting myself into listening-feeling-thinking-healing modes.

Healers are most effective when they are non-judgmental and keep their egos out of the mix! Whatever lifestyle you embrace, whatever your challenges, I am here to help you work through the problems and acquire growth.

We have been told “Man is, that he might have joy.” Not just men, but women too! Yet so many are suffering, so many need a better road map of life. Using over a half-century of living, suffering, loving and learning about this journey we call the path of life, I offer you the best of my knowledge, and my intuitive healing abilities.

I get guidance as you speak. The more you concentrate on something, the stronger the energy is around that issue or person, and the more I can pick up on the surrounding energy.

In addition to energy work, there are physical products which are known to assist with a particular condition. I do not sell any products, but the Internet is a vast marketplace, where you can obtain such things, if you desire. As a “Medical Energy" person, I have learned about many cause-and-effect situations. I do not say “take this much of this product and you will be healed.” But then, you know that, right?! I CAN say “this product has helped with this condition in some people, and this is why.”

Whatever your challenges, there are energies to be balanced, and when they are, you feel better and can make better choices! Remember, that YOU own free agency and are in charge of your own decisions. I am here to assist you in using your free agency wisely.

Reiki Master

Specializing in....

Alternative Medicine



Energy sensitive for 55 years, intensive Japanese and Chinese style energy work for the last 7 years.


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Method of Contact

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Fees per minute: $1.99
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Fees per hour: $119.40
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Email Consultation Fees

$35 per 30 minute Reiki distance healing session (at a pre-arranged time)
$25 healing questions



United States of America


Hours Available for Consultation

At this time I am not on a set schedule, however I try to log in each afternoon for a while. Feel free to send me a message if you would like assistance.


Payment Methods

Please contact me so we can determine your needs before sending payment.

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